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Vigneti Villa Franciacorta
The Village


“Ancient Passion and Innovation. The Method That Speaks of a Land's Culture”

"The land, its composition, exposure, healthiness, the vines, and their age are the real heritage of a company. Therefore, it is not the quantity of hectares but their quality that matters!"

Bianchi Roberta

The Villa Franciacorta winery has always decided not only to grow grapes but to value different types of terroir. This is why only 46 hectares are planted with vines, compared to a total area of 110 hectares. The majority of the vineyard parcel, 38 hectares, is located in Monticelli Brusati, where the medieval village stands. The remainder is between the Provaglio, Gussago, Martinello and Roccolo estates.

Monticelli Brusati

The property is collected, without interruption, in a single lot, embraced by the Delma hill to the west and the Madonna della Rosa hill to the south. What we can admire today is the result of millions of years of environmental, atmospheric, and telluric phenomena that have led to a strong differentiation among the various soils.


At Villa Franciacorta, as accredited geopedological studies testify, the soil is composed of sedimentary clays and stratified selciferous marls with rocks that are about 150 million years old, rich in marine fossils, evidence of the primordial presence of the sea.
Thus, these are not soils of morainic origin, as in much of Franciacorta, but virgin soils, rich in minerals from marine fossils encapsulated here. The grapes produced express aromatic richness, excellent flavor, refined taste and the unmistakable bouquets of the wines, which have been produced in contrada Villa for more than six centuries.

Unique Characteristics and Zoning

In remote times, farmers were able to understand which areas were most suitable for vine cultivation by tasting the fruit, and, not by chance, the villages were located where the value of the land and the fruit generated from it were noteworthy. Alessandro Bianchi, comforted by what was said by Gabriele Rosa, a well-known agronomist, about the inimitable quality of the wines from "Monticello," commissioned zoning studies of the entire property starting in 1960, studies that are now supported not only by decades of harvests but also by new, even more precise scientific research that confirms the absolute value and unique and inimitable characteristics of the most suitable micro-terroirs of the entire property.

The Gradoni: Heritage to Defend and Protect

The terroir of this vineyard, unique in the Franciacorta panorama due to its value, is worth the work that the company attributes the most importance to, with an incredible effort to rebuild the Gallic dry stone walls, with a slope that reaches 45%. In addition to the unique characteristics of the soil, the other factor that contributes to the uniqueness of the land is its southern exposure with continuous irradiation and excellent temperature variations between day and night, resulting from the cold currents that descend from the two valleys, Valtrompia and Valcamonica, that cool the vine at night, allowing for the fixation of scents and freshness. Some vines present here were reproduced by cloning those already existing on the terraces. Cabernet Franc, which will later be considered by the Consortium, was already present on the steps and was called "burdunsì mager" by the farmers, plants brought back by farmers who migrated to France.

Vineyard of 45 years

“After forty years, the vine becomes almost economically unsustainable, requires a lot of care and produces little. Quantity and quality, in the matter of wine, as we know, are inversely proportional to each other.”
It was 1978 when the first 4000 bottles of Villa Franciacorta were produced. In the same year, other new vineyards were planted, thus obtained, studying also breeding systems that were the maximum expression of the potential of the lands of this Medieval Village. Today, at 45 years of age, the Ciliegi 1 and 2 vineyards, reproductions through clones of the old vines of over 40 years already present in Villa Franciacorta in 1960, have demonstrated great resilience, having brilliantly overcome the frost of 2017 and given in a dry year like 2022, splendid fruits of important dimensions that have expressed excellent acidity and aromatic richness. The grapes produced by these "vegetable treasures" which are "rare gems", are vinified separately, giving rise to very deep wines, more material and with great evolutionary potential, wines of great quality and strong emotional impact capable of enhancing the terroir to the best, absolute confirmation of the validity of many years of research.

Biodiversity is richness

35 plots, embraced by the two hills, all different from each other for the location of the soils and exposure, are enhanced by the presence of vines of different types, different clones and different rootstocks. Pinot bianco, Chardonnay, and Pinot nero, the 3 varieties that Villa Franciacorta has always considered the only important treasures from which its precious wines originate.

Provaglio d'Iseo

The lands in Provaglio d'Iseo, in the locality of Roccolo, have always been part of the property of Villa Franciacorta. Hillside lands of morainic origin, composed of fine material, silt, and sand, and gravel-cobbled substrate, cultivated with Chardonnay, give fruits that contribute to the richness of the different expressions that each individual plot can give.

Tenuta Martinello

Tenuta Martinello is a 16th-century estate, a place of childhood memories that Alessandro Bianchi decides to give to his daughter Roberta, who is in love with the rare beauty of the place and the excellent exposure of the surrounding lands. Martinello is mostly covered by chestnut and oak forests and has an organic olive grove that produces extra virgin oil. The vineyards are very fertile with a high presence of organic matter and a gravelly substrate. The Martinello area is located on the border of the first Franciacorta moraine circle, with respect to the center of the ancient glacier that gave origin to the orography of a good part of the territory. The area is characterized by different exposures, always open to the circulation of air, on a hill where rounded pebbles, skeleton, sand, and clay intersect because of fluvioglacial action. Some large erratic boulders in Tonalite, one of which is particularly huge, originating from the Adamello Park granite in the high Valle Camonica, are a testimony to this. The resulting substrate is occasionally deep, sometimes more superficial, but always drained and dry, with a balanced limestone content. The breezes from the valley, mitigated by the contribution of the lake, are very interesting and always present. "In this harmony of interactions, we have identified the best conditions for the expression of a Pinot Noir destined to become a great Cru."

Tenuta Ronco Gussago

The lands of Ronco di Gussago are located on a hilly position and have sedimentary and marine rocks of a calcareous type, containing calcium carbonate. The resulting soil carries all these characteristics that testify to the marine origin, also evidenced by the presence of fossil fauna that includes ammonites and blemnites.

The estate's vineyard plots, in the different estates, are all in hilly positions and enjoy excellent sun exposure during daylight hours that allow gradual maturation and decidedly marked day/night temperature ranges to guarantee the excellent freshness, fragrance and protection of aromatic heritages.

The different topoclimates, the different terroirs and microterroirs, influence in different ways the growth of the plants and the production and quality they are able to generate. All of this represents a wealth of variety in the raw material, the grape, the indispensable source of Villa Franciacorta's strongly identifiable wines. The average age of the vine stock is 25 years with peaks of up to 45 years. All this translates into a fruit of undisputed potential and the choice, aware of the value of this heritage, to make wine exclusively from estate grapes.


Villa Gradoni

Villa Gradoni