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The Village


Villa Franciacorta is an ancient medieval village whose heart is the 16th-century cellar.

It is located in the heart of the Madonna della Rosa hill and houses the red wines of tradition, wines of historic fame in the region, mentioned since 1800 in the pages of the Gazzetta di Bergamo by Gabriele Rosa, who wrote: "Good wines of Franciacorta, but the wines of Monticello are better than all for goodness!".

16th-century cellar

The original 16th-century cellar houses original Slavonian oak barrels, restored by a master cooper, and a series of small carats alternate with wine vats in cement for further refinement of the renowned red wines signed by Villa Franciacorta.

The other cellars derived from the 16th-century cellar

In the 1970s, the original nucleus began to expand to accommodate the first 4000 bottles of Villa Franciacorta 1978

Here, time, silence, the isotherm of an underground cellar, and darkness were crucial for the preservation of the first bottles of "Pinot di Franciacorta Methode Champenoise." Even today, the treasures of the cellar are jealously guarded in these fascinating small niches dug by hand under the hill, whose creation allowed the protection of the soil and the surrounding environment, a pioneering and concrete example of Sustainable Development. The first bottle of Villa Franciacorta Millesimo 1978 is still on display here.

The divine sea

One enters even deeper under the hill, until reaching the sculpture of Bacchus. Here, one finds oneself at the bottom of that ancient sea that, through a metamorphism of pressure given by the overlying column of water, has compacted organic remains and minerals, giving rise to layers of selciferous marls and sedimentary clays attributable to the rocks identified as medolo and selcifero Lombardo.

The path through the underground passages then leads to the very long refinement gallery, where the craftsmanship of the method is clearly visible.

The cellar dedicated to the pagan god of wine opens to a succession of galleries where about a million bottles rest, stored one by one by hand inside enormous niches, waiting for at least 3 years to pass. Some will remain up to fifteen years on the lees before they are taken in hand and positioned on the racks (pupitres) in a horizontal position, taking care to leave the residue of the lysed yeast cells downwards.

The ancient art of remuage

Thus begins the hard work of remuage, which lasts 14 days: every day the bottles are rotated by 1/8 of a turn and raised one by one by hand until they gradually reach the vertical position, according to the ancient art of remuage, and then move on to the next process of disgorging or dégorgement.

The path in order of realization continues towards the vinification cellar

The vinification cellar is equipped with brand-new steel tanks, kept at a controlled temperature, of different sizes chosen to enhance the specificity of small plots whose grapes are valued in microvinifications. Small carats and barriques complete the furnishings, where the wines that will give rise to the most complex Franciacortas ferment.

Only in the cellars of Villa Franciacorta It's possible to retrace the path of an authentic and captivating history.

From the elements that recall the ancient passion for winemaking to the use of new technologies; thus, from the distant past, we have come this far. Right here, today, modern research has allowed the selection of indigenous yeasts with the Villa Franciacorta patent that are studied and monitored every year during the harvest and the drawing phase in the adjacent laboratory of the winery. The virtual tour of the cellar ends then in the storage room of the finished product, also underground, which is the natural conclusion of a virtuous path, certified ISO 14001, controlled from the entrance of the grapes to the shipment of the finished product.

Vigneti Villa Franciacorta

